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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stock market crash

You are looking at s&p500 chart. I wanted it to date back to 2000 so that you could see where the stock market is at the moment. Now, what you see is that the index has almost reach its’ 2007 peak, the level where market stopped advancing and in the middle of 2008 crashed. If you went back to 2000 chart of the same index you would see the same picture. Market reached 1500 level in s&p500 and then collapsed sharply. It bottomed very close to the bottom of 2009 bottom that you can see in the chart. 


You most probably know that 1998 saw tremendous rise in internet stocks, which led to an explosion of a bubble in 2000. 2007 saw an explosion of a housing market bubble. What bubble we are in at the moment? I do not see any. It is just ‘fools hope’ bubble. All financial system is on the verge of a global crash and market participants are buying shares like crazy. On the other hand, we should not be surprised by that as there usually are most investors on the boat just before a collapse comes. Study all major market booms and crashes and you will quickly see that tendency. 

Now, I genuinely believe that we are going to see a major collapse of stock markets in the nearest future and it will probably be even more severe that we saw it in 2000 and 2008. And the collapse will have influence not just to stock market, but to whole global economy.

Causes for stock market bubble and crash in 2000

If you look at the bubble that developed in technology stocks from 1992-2000 you will see that there were quite clear causes for such over extended optimism. One of the major reasons for the rise and crash was corruption. Companies were deliberately hiding their losses and outlining only bright future prospects. Most of them never had profits and did not have a chance to have any in the future. However, rating agencies were giving them favorable ratings and this inspired trust in investors. What a joke! Looks like those rating agencies are some of the most corrupt institutions in the world. Do not follow their recommendations. Forbes and Wall Street journal encouraged to invest in those risky stocks. Most of the companies tried to become big before they started making any profit. ‘Become large or get lost’ was a motto of most of the companies that existed than and are mostly forgotten now. A few got lucky to realize the motto in practice. 

Low interest rates increased capacity for those companies to borrow and expand beyond their capacity. Most of their shareholders did not have any cash, just their shares which they could pledge and borrow even more. With FED increasing interest rates again and again it became more difficult to borrow and pay principles as well as interest on the loans. Economy started cooling off and a lot of investors came to their senses. Unfortunately, most of them too late as they realized that they were holding heaps of worthless securities. If you look at the chart you can see how things started going off the hill after that. Only a handful of companies survived. A lot of others went bankrupt. Furthermore, a tiny percent of those who survived showed substantial growth: Amazon, Cisco and a few more. 

Construction market boom and crash in 2008 had even more underlying reasons behind it. Let us look at some of them as some of them were the same as in previous market bubble.

Favorable and easy credit conditions created a bubble and caused the financial crisis

I have already talked about this cause in my previous hub, but I consider it as one of the top reasons for both bubble and crisis creation and want to stress the danger of economy that runs on debt. I do not know about you but I see money which is lent as causing more trouble than giving benefits. You see, money does not fall from the sky. Central banks print money from time to time. You cannot do this unless you want to go to prison. So, if you borrow money from a bank, you will always have to give back more. This means that you will have to get the amount that you borrowed, plus interest. You know that many people buy houses, cars and etc. on credit. You also know that most businesses borrow money from banks for working capital and other reasons. Now, in order for all that money which is borrowed from banks to be paid back there has to be an increase in money supply from central banks. Otherwise, money will never be paid back, because there will not be enough money in the economy to give back that extra interest which you need to give back to a bank. That leads us to a conclusion that central banks always print money and the amount of money in the global economy increases every year. When the markets are flooded with money a bubble is born. When it explodes we have a crisis. If loans would not have an interest attached to it, we would have a completely different situation. Then there would not be banks any more. However, as long as economic expansion is based on debt creation we will always have booms and crises as a result of those booms. 

Housing bubble made a huge contribution to the crisis creation

I am deeply convinced that construction sector was a catalyst in the previous boom and as such it was also one of the main culprits of the 2008 crisis. A collapse in the field made a dent in the ship of the global economy. If you understand housing sector you can see how it is connected with other market spheres. When it prospers, a lot of other sectors blossom together with it as the sector increases job creation in other sectors. When it collapses very many secondary sectors go bankrupt, because people stop using various services or buy goods which are not of primary importance (food). Construction is a vast field in economy and much of easy credit went to this specific field. As we know the market never needs uncountable number of houses and buildings. Space for houses is limited and it will never come a day when everybody will have a house as not everybody can afford one. So, when a demand for houses is met, construction booms always end and the sector can be suppressed for decades. Now, I hope you can see that when money stopped going into the sector due to bankruptcies, exaggerated supply and severely decreased credit, the sector collapsed causing crisis to overwhelm other market fields as well.

Rise of oil

When prices of oil rise you will definitely have a financial crisis sooner rather than later. We could say that oil is a global currency. All the other prices can be measured to the price of oil. Why? Because oil is used in almost all industries and when oil price increases it has affect on the prices of all primary need products and services. I hope you remember what the price of oil was when crash came and what the prices of all products and services were. There was a huge inflation in all possible market sectors, with a few exceptions. It usually happens that oil rises together with other commodities. Some say, that gold pushes all commodities up and is the best instrument to save your money when inflation comes. I think that the same thing can be said about oil. Although gold and silver can replace world currencies and world currencies can replace gold and silver, what is going to replace oil? I think that nothing can do that at present. There will pass a lot of time when the world will switch to some other source. Not sure if it ever happens though. So, you can hedge against the risk of inflation by buying oil in the futures market. You will preserve your capital in this way. 

Absence of regulation in derivatives’ market and complex financial instruments

Alan Greenspan was warned about the possible crash in the derivatives’ market and urged by some members by Commodity Futures Trading Commission to interfere in the complex and mysterious market. However, as Mr. Greenspan was strongly holding to the position not to interfere and to allow markets to regulate themselves; nothing was done and deregulation caused a wave of crisis across the board. If you asked any economist what derivatives market is I think most of them could not give you an explicit answer. The same can be said about various complicated financial instruments like CDO’s and MBS’s which average person does not understand. Those instruments were offered to the general public to buy and the makers of those instruments were selling them in the market profiting from these operations and causing imbalance in various sectors and expediting the crisis.  One thing for sure: there has to be absolute transparency in the derivatives market. Otherwise, it can cause much bigger problems than we saw in 2008.

Sudden decrease in credit supply

In my previous hub about market bubbles I indicated large money supply from banks as one of the reasons for a bubble development. Now, I will say that the sudden cutting of that supply brought about crisis that we saw. How is that? In the times of boom money from central and commercial banks floods financial markets and global economy. This causes all economy to boom. However, when there is a sudden cut in money supply everything stops, because money is the blood of any economy. Money starts coming out of the system and everything starts collapsing as there is no power to keep market standing. When a human being loses a lot of blood he faints and can even die. When economy loses a lot of money it collapses and can go into stagnation for a decade or even more. That’s why a sudden decrease of money in any economy as well as increase is not ‘healthy’. Increase of money as you know causes inflation and decrease usually causes deflation. We want none of those. We want global economy functioning ‘normally’. 

Massive bankruptcies 
Most economists think that Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was that dent that really triggered crisis. I would agree with that, but I am absolutely sure that crisis would have come anyway, even if Lehman Brothers survived. However, bankruptcies like this had a lot of impact on acceleration of the crisis which was already inevitable. Still one bankruptcy can cause a chain reaction and the result would be a lot of companies out of business and a huge number of people out of work. This is particularly felt when some giant company which employs thousands of people goes bankrupt. Consequences of this can be hard to predict. That’s why there was a question raised about necessity of reducing the size of this kind of companies, especially banks. If one company would split to a number of companies and bankruptcy of one would not necessarily influence bankruptcy of another, then the danger of massive bankruptcies could be avoided. Can you imagine what happens if a bank which is bigger than country’s annual GDP goes bankrupt? Terrible! Having this in mind some analysts coined a phrase ‘too big to fail’. They had in mind those mega banks and companies which lined up to get bailout money from governments and central banks. However, it means that these companies have good excuse to take tax payers’ money and dictate their rules to the governments of the world. Is that how capitalism supposed to work? I guess not. That’s why I think all governments should promote small and medium business. If small and medium business were strong there would never be a crisis like we saw in 2008. Now, when everything is ‘global and big’ sinking of one big guy causes a lot of trouble for everybody. We need less dependence on large corporations. It would decrease risk of global economic failure.

Over optimistic analysis of the economic situation from expert analysts did not allow people to see what was coming

Most people rely on ‘expert’ analysts and acknowledged market gurus. People do not spend enough time to analyze the ongoing situation in economy. They simply trust that if ‘such and such’ economist said ‘this and that’, it is for sure. And what were the expert analysts doing just before crisis hit the global economy? They were painting a very bright picture of expanding economy, showing good statistical data from various market sectors and suggesting which stocks or commodities to buy. All the guys that were trying to warn us about the coming collapse were ridiculed and kept out of media. I think there is a psychological problem attached to the entire story. People want to hear only good news and that’s what the experts were doing. The experts were like musicians from the Titanic. They were playing music and amusing people till the very end. Do you want to hear only good news? What if bad news can save your wealth, business, savings and etc? We should learn to be both optimists and realists and see things as they are. You can turn your life wherever you want, but you are not at the wheel of global economy and being optimistic about it is quite dangerous. You cannot turn the wheel. So, you should know what to do about your ‘home economics’. And if you know what you are doing, then you can be very optimistic about it.

Crisis came and will always come because this economic system is extremely flawed and will not sustain itself for a long time

Some economists see it and they called the previous crisis – a systemic one. It means that there are too big flaws in the system and crisis simply had to come. It is not enough to change a few laws or rules in trading, lending and etc. It can be said both about global economy and social security system. In my opinion they will both collapse. Why? Firstly, I think that economy that is built on borrowing cannot be sustained. It will always end up in booms and crises. Secondly, nations have too big governmental bureaucratic apparatus which sucks too much tax payers’ money. True democracy should give more power to ‘the people’ and less to governments. Present social security and medical system is very flawed and also sucks too much public money. If governments have to borrow to pay pensions, there is something wrong with the system. It cannot last for a long time. Thirdly, most countries will have to default if they intend to continue operating in the same way as they are doing now. National debts of the countries will most likely sink those countries. 

So, I think that the crisis of 2008 is not over and we are going to see the next wave of crisis which would end up with a complete economic collapse. I wish it did not happen, but I fear that my wishes will not be fulfilled. Time tests all ideas and opinions. I believe we have to be careful about money management and risk taking. It will help us to go through the coming changes in global economy. 

False reasons for a collapse

It is also important to understand that some of the reasons that are identified by some guru experts as key in leading to crashes are not real reasons at all. One of them is electronic trading and automatic trading programs. Nothing could be further from the truth. These do not create as much volume as those created by huge mega banks trading in billions and really moving markets.

Stock market crashes are not connected to what China or other third world country does. These may influence a little of what happens in the world, but not much. They are not responsible for extensive borrowing that West countries practice and extraordinary corruption in government and corporate banking sectors in the West. 

Natural disasters have very little impact on stock markets nowadays. They usually are temporary: day or two corrections, but nothing more than that. So, if a hurricane comes your way do not that it should be a reason for stock market to crash.  

2013 may see another collapse in financial markets that would surpass any other even 1929, 1987 or 2008 crises

I hope you see that nothing has really changed since 2000 and 2008 crashes. We still have easy credit conditions, low interest rates that allow big boys ‘too big to fail’ to gamble on financial markets and risk global economic security. Corruption is spread from governments to rating agencies to huge mega commercial banks. National debts have reached unsustainable levels. What else except crash can we expect? 

We would probably have seen collapse of the stock market coming earlier if Federal Reserve not been stimulating economy by buying bonds. However, when they cease the process the drop in stock prices would be even more severe. They should have left markets for themselves to find bottom, clean up and start growing naturally, not by stimulating growth. 

We are going to see a crash sooner rather than later and this would cause world economies to go bankrupt, because they will fail to get rid of their astronomical debts.

Ok. I hope you benefited from the post. If you liked the post I would also be happy if you gave a plus on Google+, tweeted, liked it on Facebook and other social platforms. Have a nice day. 

Trading financial markets carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. All information on the blog is of educational nature and cannot be considered as advice, recommendation or signals to trade in any financial markets.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day trading tips

I enjoy day trading as much as I enjoy swing trading and trend trading. All these three strategies have their advantages and disadvantages. I do not want to concentrate on the latter two trading strategies today. My topic for the post is day trading tips. There are things that you should have in mind before jumping on any day trade. There are other things that you should have in mind when you are on a day trade. I like going over those before I open a trade and also when the trade is actually open. Let me share those tips with you. I hope they will help you to make day trading for a living possible. 

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  1. Know your set up for a day trade. When you open your charts you should know what you are looking for. Those might be: direction of a trend, support and resistance, supply and demand areas, reversal patterns, candle patterns and etc. You should know a situation that would trigger a trade for you.
  2. Trade only in the direction of a bigger trend. Stop going after those counter trend moves. They do happen quite often, but you will lose more money than you make by chasing those.
  3. Be patient and wait for the best set ups. Most traders lose money, because they take just about any set up that they think is good. They end up overtrading. Any number of trades beyond 3 per day is too much.
  4. Do not trade choppy markets. Wait for tendencies to develop. Then trade in the direction of a trend on a daily basis till market conditions change. There is too much noise in the markets that go sideways. Try not to trade and set more time for analysis when markets enter these ‘noisy levels’ – choppy trading times.
  5. If you miss a trade just let it go. Going into a trader later might be just as bad as overtrading or simply trading a strategy that you do not understand. Let that missed trade go. There will be enough opportunities around if you are patient. 
  6. Trade from one support to resistance and from resistance to support by taking profits (at least partial). In day trading reversals are quite common and you should be willing to take small profits as price goes from one level to another. There will be profit taking by big market dogs and you do not want to be left behind.
  7. Take your profits at or before an even number. That’s where big hedge funds take their profits. You might get out 10 or 5 pips before the area just to be sure you are not left behind when prices reverse.
  8. Always have stops and let them always be smaller than your profit targets. That is the only way you can be successful in the long run.
  9. Use limit orders for both your stops and profit targets. It helps you to stay disciplined and follow your plan and to be proactive, not reactive. You can exit market manually if you see that something goes not in the way you have planned, predicted or imagined.
  10. If you had a bad trade, do not try to reenter market immediately. Do analysis before making a decision. Maybe market conditions changed and you should refrain from trading. If they haven’t you can enter another trade. Just do not rush!
  11. If you day trade with a few orders take profits with the first one as soon as there is any and move stops with other trades by placing them below (above if you are selling) 1 or 4 hour lows (highs if you are selling).
  12. If you want to leave your trades through the night put stops further from the price. You do not want to be stopped out during Asian sessions when profits are often taken and price moves against you. Leave room for these Asian session swings and wait for opportunities during London session.
  13. Do not worry about a bad day. Better concentrate on your weekly and monthly results. Smile your losses off.
  14. Do not trade when you are tired or under emotional stress. It is also wise not to trade for a few days if you have a losing streak. Do more analysis and less trading during these bad days. Trading psychology, not only a good strategy is one of the keys to success.
  15. Write a journal analyzing your mistakes, winners, losers and predictions. A journal will help you to find out weaknesses of your system and trading style. It will help you to understand flaws of your character and perfect those.
  16. Analyze your trades at the end of the day and prepare for next day making intelligent predictions as to where this or that security can move. Try to see if those perfect set ups for your strategy are coming or not.
  17. Trade constantly even amounts of lots, amounts of securities till you double your account. Then you can change the number. The same about stop losses. You should start risking no more than 2 percent of your deposit and slowly move to 3-5 percent.
  18. Identify direction of a security by looking at daily charts and implement your trades on hourly charts.
  19. Find out what an average range of a security is and try to figure out the best place to enter your trade. If gbp/jpy range is a little bit over 100 pips and the pair has moved 80 pips it may not be wise to jump on a trade in the direction of the daily micro trend.
  20. Use filters and confirmations on your trades. These may be higher time frames or technical patterns or any other things that gives your trade a higher probability to succeed.
  21. Do not use breakout trading strategy too much. Prices are often overbought or oversold when breakout point is reach. This is particularly true about day trading.
  22. If you are trading profitably cash out some money regularly. You want to enjoy your earnings by spending them not just looking at them in electronical form.  
If you are ready to trade Forex, futures, indexes and stocks I recommend Etoro

Ok, enough of these rules. If I get any more ideas I will expand the post. Hope it was useful and you will be able to apply the knowledge in your day trades. It takes time to learn day trading. So be patient.

Ok. I hope you benefited from the post. If you liked the post I would also be happy if you gave a plus on Google+, tweeted, liked it on Facebook and other social platforms. Have a nice day. See you  soon.

Trading financial markets carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. All information on the blog is of educational nature and cannot be considered as advice, recommendation or signals to trade in any financial markets.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Euro reverses at support (11th of February 2013)

Pound rally was very short term and Euro resumed its trend today. So, we can assume that we can safely adding on dips in eur/gbp pair. Another way we could day trade that is buying above the current resistance of 0.8570. No data came neither from Europe, nor from Great Britain (well except Euro finance ministers meeting) and Euro rose. It means market is readjusting itself for trend resume. Data from Great Britain tomorrow (Consumer Price Index) can trigger more sell off of the cable. 

If you are ready to trade Forex, futures, indexes and stocks I recommend Etoro broker. 

Trading financial markets carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. All information on the blog is of educational nature and cannot be considered as advice, recommendation or signals to trade in any financial markets.

Trading ECB rate decision (7th of February 2013)

One more pair that could have been traded very profitably during ECB rate decision was eur/gbp. To tell the truth I think it is one of the best pairs to trade news. Why? Because it is not very volatile and if this volatility can sometimes hit your stops just to reverse a few minutes later, eur/gbp rarely experiences that and stops stay not touched while market continues moving in the direction you had predicted. So, you could enter a short order below 0.8596 (with a stop of 20 pips) and a take profit at a support level of 0.8555. Nice trade!

Third strong day in the pair (5th of February 2013)

Another slightly surprising day for eur/gbp. Could you expect this? We had a huge move upwards on Friday. Then a reversal came that erased all of Friday’s gains on Monday. Today Euro gained back what it lost yesterday. I better wait for market to calm down. I need to see what happens on Thursday and after the release. It will be clearer regarding fundamental policy of ECB and BOE and technical levels become clearer by that time too. So, I am staying out and not taking any positions in eur/gbp for the time being. 

Profit taking before Thursday (4th of February 2013)

Expect some profit taking in eur/gbp pair before Thursday. The trend remains upwards and if ECB is not going to change anything in their statement we should be willing buy on dips. It is also crucial to see what Bank of England position is. They have seen tremendous depreciation in pound recently and should do something about it. If they ignore the fact pound will continue going down. I do not buy British pound in any of its’ pairs. 

Technical analysys (2nd of February 2013)

Very strong day for the pair! It is pretty unusual for a pair to rise more than 40 pips. Today it rose more than 130 pips. Extraordinary trend for eur/gbp! Use all Europe and US news releases to go long in eur/gbp.  The sentiment for the pound remains extremely bearish. Counter trend moves are short lived and they are opportunities for traders to jump back into trend by adding to their long Euro positions. As of now Euro is the strongest currency and Yen is the weakest. The second weakling in a row is Pound. You may diversify by shorting these two currencies against Euro till trend changes. 

Trend (30th of January 2013)

eur/gbp left behind 0.8500 level and continues marching. I am not going to trade the pair for some time as I do believe the rally is overstretched as I do not want to be caught when market reverses. A reversal will be very sharp and dramatic. So, let it ride. Today’s price action after FED release will show what is going where. Be careful as this optimism in a sinking Europe economy is not justified.  

Nothing new for today (28th of January 2013)

Unfortunately, I do not have anything new to say about eur/gbp today. I see that the rally upwards is overextended, 0.8500 my predicted final target is reached and I expect some reversal pattern to form before going short. I do not want to start catching falling knives. Nobody really knows whether the final top is in place or not. Therefore, I wait for confirmation signals from market itself: bearish candle patterns on daily charts, 123 patterns and a few more. 

Volatility rises (25th of January 2013)

This non volatile pair has been very volatile recently. It even went through 0.8500 level and is above it now. I do not know what other possible resistance targets could be for the pair. I was calling for a reversal in Euro this week and this did not happen. Now I have to do the same for next week. The idea is simple: we have reached very important resistance areas on weekly charts. Weekly charts and levels on those are very important. eur/gbp has just hit 200 sma on a weekly chart. In my opinion it is high time for some consolidation and more profound reversal, possibly to 0.8200 level. 

David Cameron comments (24th of January 2013)

David Cameron’s comments regarding Great Britain leaving EU and a possible referendum on the question pushed pound to new lows. Euro is approaching its ‘final resistance’ of 0.8500. I do not know if it can go any further, but in financial markets it is dangerous to speak about some currency being too overbought or too oversold as markets tend to be in inertia for a long time as trends are in progress. So, let markets run and if you find good levels to enter in the direction of a trend jump in and have a ride. This week, however, might be the last for Euro bulls. 

Collapse (22nd of January 2013)

Seems like Euro bulls got tired as prices collapsed today. Support now stands 0.8375. If that is broken we might see much lower prices very soon. The move upwards is overextended and may finish any time. I still expect Euro to go down this week. It will be reflected in most Euro pairs. Well, maybe all of them. eur/gbp resistance is now at 0.8405. If that is taken out the second one is the highest high of 0.8440. I expect 0.8260 to be reached soon. 

Bearish candle (21st of January 2013)

Today we have a small bearish candle on a daily chart of eur/gbp. As the day is not over yet we should not make too hasty conclusions about that. However, I think we are very close to a long term top in the pair. It still has potential to reach 0.8500 level as you can see from the weekly chart below. I am standing aside and have no intentions to trade the pair for the time being. Need more daily candles to form before the technical picture becomes clearer. 

Narrow range (18th of January 2013)

No significant changes in eur/gbp today. The pair has been in a very narrow range today0.8355-0.8387. That is quite usual for the security as its daily ranges are relatively small in comparison to eur/usd or eur/jpy. One should not forget that the value of pip is much bigger in the pair too. I bet that we are near long term high in eur/gbp and a reversal can happen any time. Following its’ character of moving in waves the pair has yet to see a leg down. If big boys start taking profits now, the move down can start on Monday. 

Rally continues (17th of January 2013)

eur/gbp continued its rally upwards without stopping today. What does it tell us? By looking at daily chart I see that this move (that has been in waves) is the strongest from all waves. This also tells me that a significant reversal may come any time. The last thrust in trends is usually the strongest that is all the time followed by an opposite move of a similar strength. It tells us that the stronger eur/gbp rallies, the stronger it will fall in due time, which may be sooner rather than later. 

No reversal yet (16th of January 2013)

eur/gbp pair failed to reverse today. It reached yesterday’s lows and continued its’ uptrend. It is hovering near its top at 0.8300-20. The pair will probably stay between this high and yesterday lows for a few days before moving further up or down. So, selling at resistance and buying at support could be a smart trading strategy for the time being. ECB publishes its monthly report. This could influence further moves in the pair.

Long move upwards maybe over(15th of January 2013)

eur/gbp as most Euro pairs have been in a long uptrend. However, if you look closely how it has been advancing you will see that its going up has been in waves. Every peak has been followed by a sharp correction. There has been 5 wives up and 4 down since the end of July. The fifth top has probably been reached yesterday (on the 14th of January). If the scenario continues this peak should be followed by a collapse (profit taking and extra short positions in eur/gbp pair). Today saw an engulfing candle (bearish) that ended up lower than yesterday’s low. 
By looking at the chart below you will notice that the collapses have been somewhat sharper than rises. If the collapse starts tomorrow I believe support can come around 0.8160 level. A breakout trade by selling below today’s lows is a possibility. Resistance is quite close at 0.8295.